Out of the Box
First initial impressions with Apple Watch Ultra for freediving. There was some concern of how deep the watch can go. It is rated for 100m. But the question is can it go beyond 40m? The quick answer is yes. A 40m depth alarm will begin to vibrate like crazy until you ascend back above the 40m mark. Will it register and display the dive information? It will display “beyond 40m” on watch but show dive time. After your dive session, in the Health app on iPhone it will display actual depth achieved beyond the 40m.
Read more: Apple Watch Ultra Freedive Review

Other impressions: If you remove watch from being submersed the last dive disappears from screen, and it informs you to use the depth app, you must submerse in water. I am sure as apps are developed, this can become more useful. Still waiting for the Oceanic app “later this fall.”
Follow Up with Oceanic App
Apple Watch Ultra update. I haven’t had a chance to post this because I have been underwater. The @diveoceanic app has been out for a few months now. The freedive mode is still not available. So snorkel mode is the extent the app can be used for freediving. It is limited to recording up to 43.9m (144ft). The Apple Depth App is limited to showing you depth up to 40m. I have taken the watch down to 52m. As compared to my @atmos_ocean Mission 1, recording of the dive can differ by 1m sometimes, and time can vary from 1-3 second difference. Both on the plus side of deeper and longer dives.
My wish list: Allow depth recording beyond 44m, up to the 100m rating of the watch. A developer who writes a freedive specific app, with surface interval times, GPS location of dive, GPS location app with precision location to mark and find dive sites, and finally the ability to set depth and time alarms for dives.